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Monday, October 15, 2007

Phobia and Emotion

Emotions are funny things. Are you listening to yours? Some people seem to swim in an emotional world. They make their choices based on their gut feelings and they can tell you three or four emotions they're having at any given moment. This level of emotional awareness, however, can seem negative and overwhelming to some. They see others who are bogged down by feelings. Emotions are given full rein by some and this can seem like a very scary, unstable way to live.

For more cognitively-oriented individuals, emotions are better tucked away to be pulled out for special occasions or when they've had a few drinks. There are, however, some drawbacks to shoving feelings so far out of your consciousness.

We humans are by nature a mix of emotion and cognition. We need both functions to live safe, healthy, fulfilling lives. While a thoughtful decision is frequently very valuable, disconnecting from your feelings isn't a good idea. Certain kinds of information that are delivered in the "package" of emotion. Feelings can let you know important responses you're having in situations. If you're having anxiety attacks before making a commitment to a big venture with another individual, you need to take a look at your feelings. Sometimes you have to trust an emotional impression and you definitely need to be aware of what you feel.

Feelings are not concrete reality. They do not even always accurately reflect reality, but they're still very important and you need to be aware them.

Studies are finding that victims of violent crime frequently report having a sense of danger at a fairly early point in the danger situation and that they tended to override this. We need to listen to what we feel and, sometimes, to really attend to our gut instincts. You don't have to let yourself be sucked into an place of total emotion, you just need to be aware of what you feel. Know what you feel so you have access to this part of yourself. It's all about balance.

Sudden, overwhelming emotion is frequently your mind's way to get your attention and help you look more closely at how you're living your life. Anxiety or panic attacks can be a sign of feelings that deserve your attention. Many individuals are so gripped by these episodes that they have difficulty living their day-to-day lives. The physical symptoms can be overwhelming. Shortness of breath and cardiac arrhythmias always need a medical evaluation. They can also be a sign of emotional situations that need attention.

If you're having some of these difficulties and you've been cleared of physical problems by a physician, you need to look at the purpose of the attacks. Maybe you need to listen more to yourself. Panic attacks can be a sign of lack of faith in your own capabilities to handle life. They can also be a signal that you're not paying enough attention to your emotional experience. Which ever of these is triggering the intense physical and emotional sensations being experienced, you need to find some understanding.

Panic attacks are scary, debilitating episodes…and they can be a message.

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